Disaster is neither the incident of the passed past nor the accident of the unpredictable future. Infectious pandemic, such as COVID-19 is ongoing disaster of the present time and the every year’s climate change event, for example heat wave is natural disaster of this era. Moreover, the size and frequency of the social disasters in Korea, for example, Sewol shipwreck and Itaewon tragedy has been increasing.
Now, we have reached the turning point that no more rough response against the disaster is allowed. That kind of reaction requires too much social, economic, public and medical cost. Disaster should the subject that is scientifically analyzed to be timely prevented, well prepared, properly responded and quickly recovered.
Unfortunately, we have significant lack in evidence-based disaster medicine management system in Korea at this time. The Disaster Medicine Research Center (DMRC) of Seoul Nation University Medical Research Center was established to answer the needs of the era. The aim of the DMRC is the development of the comprehensive disaster medicine management system and human resources.
For this goal, we endeavor to perform outstanding research and domestic and international collaboration.

Director. Research Center for Disaster Medicine Kwak, Young Ho