[2023 연례심포지엄 초록접수] Intrathoracic Progression is Still the Most Dominant Failure Pattern after First-line Chemo-immunotherapy in Extensive-stage Small-Cell Lung Cancer: Implications for Thoracic Radiotherapy

2023-01-02l 조회수 112
1. 초록제목 : Intrathoracic Progression is Still the Most Dominant Failure Pattern after First-line Chemo-immunotherapy in Extensive-stage Small-Cell Lung Cancer: Implications for Thoracic Radiotherapy
2. 저      자 : Dowook Kim
3. 공동저자 :
Hak Jae Kim, Hong-Gyun Wu, Joo Ho Lee ,Suzy Kim, Tae Min Kim, Jin-Soo Kim
4. 교신저자 : Byoung Hyuck Kim
5. 소 속 과 :  방사선종양학과
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