2022년 12월 연구원 논문
장기용 책임연구원 (유전체의학연구소)
Direct cell-to-cell transfer in stressed tumor microenvironment aggravates tumorigenic or metastatic potential in pancreatic cancer
NPJ Genomic Medicine
Pancreatic cancer exhibits a characteristic tumor microenvironment (TME) due to enhanced fibrosis and hypoxia and is particularly
resistant to conventional chemotherapy. However, the molecular mechanisms underlying TME-associated treatment resistance in
pancreatic cancer are not fully understood. Here, we developed an in vitro TME mimic system comprising pancreatic cancer cells,
fibroblasts and immune cells, and a stress condition, including hypoxia and gemcitabine. Cells with high viability under stress
showed evidence of increased direct cell-to-cell transfer of biomolecules. The resulting derivative cells (CD44high/SLC16A1high) were
similar to cancer stem cell-like-cells (CSCs) with enhanced anchorage-independent growth or invasiveness and acquired metabolic
reprogramming. Furthermore, CD24 was a determinant for transition between the tumorsphere formation or invasive properties.
Pancreatic cancer patients with CD44low/SLC16A1low expression exhibited better prognoses compared to other groups. Our results
suggest that crosstalk via direct cell-to-cell transfer of cellular components foster chemotherapy-induced tumor evolution and that
targeting of CD44 and MCT1(encoded by SLC16A1) may be useful strategy to prevent recurrence of gemcitabine-exposed
pancreatic cancers.